Custom link autocomplete

In the editor, type \ref (by default). Then, live suggestions for all theorem callouts & equation blocks in the entire vault show up.

  • Enter: insert a link to the selected item.
  • Shift+Enter: insert a link to the note containing the selected item.
  • Cmd+Enter on Mac/Ctrl+Enter on Windows: jump to the selected item by pressing.

Use \tref or \eqref (by default) instead of \ref to suggest only theorems or only equations.

Remark 1 (the Better Link Autocompletion plugin).

I also wrote another plugin that renders equation inside Obsidian's built-in link autocompletion.
Check it out here:

Filter files to be searched

  • \rer/\trer/\eqrer (by default): search only within recently opened notes
  • \rea/\trea/\eqrea (by default): search only within active note
Remark 2.

You can change the trigger strings (e.g. \ref) to whatever you like in the plugin settings.

Remark 3.

There are variants of custom autocomplete. It is recommended to turn off unnecessary ones in the plugin setting to improve performance.

Available search keys

Theorem suggestion

Environment typedefinition, theorem, ...
Formatted titleDefinition 1.1 (Continuity)
Formatted label[1]def:continuity
Note pathfolder/

Equation suggestion

Equation number (if any)(1)
LaTeX source code\lim_{n \to \infty} \int f_n \, d\mu = \int f \, d\mu
Note pathfolder/
Remark 4 (Wikilinks vs. markdown links).

This feature inserts wikilinks (i.e. [[]]) even if you are turning off Use [[Wikilinks]] in the app settings because markdown links are not suitable for dynamically updating the displayed text.

  1. Requires the Include theorem callout label for search target option to be turned on.↩︎