
You can customize the appearance of theorem callouts either by your own custom CSS snippets or by preset sample styles.

In the plugin settings, set Theorem callouts > Style to be Custom if you want to use your custom CSS snippets.
This plugin defines several custom CSS classes, allowing you to change the styles depending on specific languages or environments (theorem/definition/...).

Otherwise, the selected preset style will be applied. You need to reopen the note to see the style change.
When Don't override the app's font setting when using sample styles is turned on, the preset style will not change the default font family defined in the app's Settings > Appearance > Font > Text font.


"Custom" is highly recommended, since it will give you the most control.

The preset styles are only for a trial purpose, and they might not work well with some non-default themes. You can view the CSS snippets for all the preset styles in the documentation or at the GitHub repository, which you can use as a starting point.

CSS classes

Obsidian built-in classes

  • .callout
    • .callout > .callout-title
      • .callout > .callout-title > .callout-icon
      • .callout > .callout-title > .callout-title-inner
    • .callout > .callout-content

Custom classes defined by this plugin

  • .theorem-callout: Assigned to all theorem callouts.
  • .theorem-callout-{type}: Indicates the environment type. For example, a theorem callout whose type is "theorem" will be given the .theorem-callout-theorem class.
  • .theorem-callout-{tag}: A profile has tags, each of which is converted to this .theorem-callout-{tag} class. As for the default profiles "English" and "Japanese", the tags are "en" and "ja", respectively. They are used to generate CSS classes .theorem-callout-en and .theorem-callout-ja indicating the language used for the theorem callout, making it possible to use different styles depending on it. I recommend defining language tags for your custom profiles.
  • .theorem-callout-main-title: Lives under .callout-title-inner. For example, the "Theorem 1.1" part for Theorem 1.1 (Cauchy-Schwarz)
  • .theorem-callout-subtitle: Lives under .callout-title-inner. For example, the "(Cauchy-Schwarz)" part for Theorem 1.1 (Cauchy-Schwarz)

Here are the list of preset sample styles. You can also view the CSS snippet generating each style.

MathWiki style

This beautiful style is taken from MathWiki. A big thank you to Zhaoshen Zhai, the owner of MathWiki and the MathLinks plugin, for readily consenting to including it in this documentation.

MathWiki style