Backlink highlighting - Basics

PDF++'s backlink highlighting is based on the built-in PDF deep linking feature introduced in Obsidian v1.3.6.

Reviewing Obsidian's native PDF support

To better understand how PDF++'s backlink highlighting works, let's start by disabling the plugin and taking a look at Obsidian's native PDF support.

Open a PDF file in your vault, select a range of text and then right-click.
Obsidian will show you a context menu. From there, click "Copy link to selection".

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It will copy a link that looks like [[Lorem Ipsum.pdf#page=1&selection=4,0,4,11|Lorem Ipsum, page 1]], clicking which will take you to the exact location in the PDF file where you copied the link from.

However, it doesn't work in the opposite way. While jumping to a text selection in a PDF from a markdown file works like a charm, you can't go to the markdown file linking to the text selection.
Also, it is difficult to see what parts of the PDF are referenced in your notes at a glance.

Here's where PDF++ comes in.

Now, enable the plugin. You will find the text that you linked to in the previous step is displayed with a highlight. It makes it easy to identify the text selections with backlinks.

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You can easily open the backlink, i.e. go back to the specific location in the markdown file that links to the text selection, by double-clicking the highlight.

Popover previews

What's more, hovering over the highlight with the Ctrl/Cmd key pressed (by default) will show you a popover preview of the backlink.

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  • Page preview is required to be enabled.
  • If you prefer not to press Ctrl/Cmd while hovering over highlights to see popover previews, go to the Page preview settings and turn off the toggle switch named "PDF++ hover action".
  • When hovering over a highlight, you can open the backlink instead of triggering popover previews if you want to; see PDF++ settings for the details.