Backlink highlighting - Colors

Learn how to customize highlight colors.


Recall that you copied a link that looks like the following in the previous tutorial:

[[Lorem Ipsum.pdf#page=1&selection=4,0,4,11|Lorem Ipsum, page 1]]

By default, PDF++ converts this link to a yellow highlight (related setting). To change the color, append &color=<COLOR NAME> to the link text. For example,

[[Lorem Ipsum.pdf#page=1&selection=4,0,4,11&color=red|Lorem Ipsum, page 1]]

The text selection is now highlighted in red.
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Using the color palette

Of course, it is tedious to add a color name to a link manually. By using the color palette added to the PDF toolbar, you can quickly copy a link with a desired color name included.


Color palettes also offer various formatting options, which we will cover in the next tutorial: Link copy formats.

Customizing colors

Available colors are defined in this section in the PDF++ settings. See the linked page for further details.

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