LaTeX-like Theorem & Equation Referencer

LaTeX-like Theorem & Equation Referencer is an Obsidian plugin that provides a powerful indexing & referencing system for theorems & equations in your vault, bringing -like workflow into Obsidian.

Remark 1 (Math Booster).

This plugin had been called Math Booster until before 2.2.0, but has been renamed for better clarity and discoverability.

Remark 2 (Major version update).

Using this plugin since Math Booster version 1? See Migration from Math Booster version 1.


You can install this plugin via Obsidian's community plugin browser (see here for instructions).

Also, you can test the latest beta release using BRAT:

  1. Install BRAT and enable it.
  2. Go to Options. In the Beta Plugin List section, click on the Add Beta plugin button.
  3. Copy and paste RyotaUshio/obsidian-latex-theorem-equation-referencer in the pop-up prompt and click on Add Plugin.
  4. (Optional but highly recommended) Turn on Auto-update plugins at startup at the top of the page.
  5. Go to Community plugins > Installed plugins. You will find “LaTeX-like Theorem & Equation Referencer” in the list. Click on the toggle button to enable it.


Obsidian plugins

This plugin requires MathLinks version 0.5.3 or higher installed to work properly (Clever referencing).

In version 2, Dataview is no longer required. But I strongly recommend installing it because it enhances this plugin's search functionality significantly.


You have to install CMU Serif (which this documentation uses) to get some of the preset styles for theorem callouts displayed properly.

Additionally, Noto Sans JP is required for render the preset styles properly in Japanese.

Contributing to this docs

This documentation is generated from an Obsidian vault located under the LaTeX-like Theorem & Equation Referencer Docs folder of this GitHub repository. To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository and clone the fork.
     git clone<YOUR NAME>/obsidian-latex-theorem-equation-referencer-docs.git
  2. Open the LaTeX-like Theorem & Equation Referencer Docs folder under the cloned repository as an Obsidian vault (Obsidian Help).
  3. Make changes in Obsidian so that links are properly updated.
  4. Commit & push your changes to the fork and make a pull request to the original repository.
Remark 3 (Webpage HTML Export).

This documentation website is generated using the awesome Webpage HTML Export plugin.


This plugin has been inspired a lot by the great Obsidian community; see Credits.

Say thank you

If you find this plugin useful, please consider supporting my work by buying me a coffee!

Buy Me A Coffee